When looking through contributions made to Victor Crist during his run for District 2 Hillsborough County Commissioner, there are large amounts of similar contributions from relatable companies. The list ranges from agricultural companies to police and lawyers, bail bond companies to transportation services, and from green enterprises to manufacturing companies. Out of the monetary contributions of $151,675.71 only $5,880 was taken out by Crist in loans to help pay for his campaign.
A majority of the contributors to Crist’s campaign gave the limit of $500 while a large portion of the remaining contributors gave $100. Expenditures within the campaign remained along the lines of typical campaigning. Items like supplies, space rental, campaign development, advertising, and communication ranked among the top expenditures.
All the money paid off with Crist winning District 2 with 72% of the votes.
To better understand why there were so many contributions coming from similar companies one must look into the work Crist has done since his political debut in 1992.
Crist is not new to Tampa Bay or the political gamut. Crist’s family relocated from New Orleans, Louisiana to Treasure Island, Florida in 1968, and has lived in north Hillsborough since 1980. As a 1983 graduate of USF, Crist put his degree in Communications to work through his advertising business, Metropolitan Communications.
In 1992, Crist decided to make the adjustment from private citizen to public figure. Crist served in the Florida House of Representatives from 1992 until 2000. After eight year in the House, Crist was elected to the Florida Senate and re-elected to serve two full terms.
During his time as Senator Crist was extremely active in various committees.
Crist was chair of the Senate Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations. This position entitled Crist to design the Florida budget for both public safety and the court system. He spearheaded legislation involving “10-20-Life” and the “3-Strikes Violent Felony Offender Act.”
Crist actively served on the Committee on Commerce to improve communities and begin economic job opportunities.
Crist served as a member of the Policy and Steering Committee on Way & Means. Ways & Means committee supported education, strengthen and protect Florida’s children and families and protect the environment. He was also nominated to serve on the board of the Institute for Non-Violence.
Crist also reviewed the issues revolving around lethal injection and served on the Florida Digital Divide Council from 2002 to 2004.
Throughout his time in office, Crist worked diligently as president of the USF Area Community Civic Association. His work with the community and law enforcement was able to improve “Suit Case City.” In a recent article in the Tampa Tribune Crist’s work with the USF community was mentioned in their endorsement. “Crist has worked hard to improve neighborhoods around USF. He can be counted on to study the issues and advocate low taxes and efficient government. In District 2, the Tribune endorses Victor Crist.” Crist also was involved in the review of bills like Background Screening Legislation, Medicaid Buy-In Programs for Persons with Disabilities, Restricting Sexual Offenders, Locksmith Services Act, Mental Health Parity, and Protect Consumers from Unwanted Solicitation on Cellular Phones.
“As a legislator, he focused on the struggling neighborhoods near the University of South Florida in north Tampa. He is also a good retail politician: accessible, open, hard-working and committed to constituent service,” St. Pete Times, October 2010.
Crist has made sure that through his political endeavors he has made his mark. With endorsements from the Tampa Tribune, St. Pete Times, Florida Sentinel Bulletin, NRA, Unified Sportsman of Florida and his long list of public service it is hard not to see where his views lie.
Some public service positions have included: Chairman of the University Community New Image Revitalization Task Force, former Treasure Island Volunteer Fire Department, Hillsborough County Audit Oversight Committee, Bay Area Legislative Delegation etc.
For all the public service positions Crist has held there is a slew of awards and honors to follow: L. Clayton Nance Award in Appreciation for Devotion to Public Service, Legislature of the Year from the Florida Juvenile Justice Board, Outstanding Dedication and Personal Support Award from the Florida Holocaust Museum etc. The total awards and honors extend past 100 since 1991.
Like his list of honors, Crist has kept his background very honorable as well. He has never been arrested or charged with any civil or criminal acts. No political contributions have been made under Crist’s name or under his wife Angela S. Crist’s name. His driving record is clean as well.
Crist and his wife Angela, were married in 2005 and moved to Tampa Palms South Area in December 2006. They live in a five bedroom, three bath house that was built in 1992 on a corner lot. The house was purchased for $370,000 at the peak of the housing boom. At current market prices the house has depreciated in value to $241,940. Current taxes on the residence near the $1000 mark. Each year taxes have been paid diligently.
Being able to better aspects of people’s life has been a large focus throughout Crist’s career which has shown through in contributions made to his County Commissioner campaign. Those organizations that protect and serve readily supported Crist. As well as organizations that has felt the effects of Crist’s leadership while elected as Senator.
“…citizens… who respect the strong and efficient enforcement of our laws… support… Victor Crist,” West Central Florida Police Benevolent Association.
Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections- Victor Crist 2010 Election Cycle
VC Campaign Contributions
VC Campaign Expenditures
Tampa Tribune- ref Crist's Character/Endorsement
St. Pete Times- ref Crist's Character/Endorsement
West Central Florida Police Benevolent Assc- ref Crist's Character/Endorsement
VictorCrist.com- Public Service
VictorCrist.com- Awards and Honors
FormerFlStateSenator.com- Victor Crist Bio
FormerFlStateSenator.com- Senate Bill Summary
HCSO- Arrest Records/DUI
HCSO- Sexual Offenders
Opensecrets.org- Political Contributions
Opensecrets.org- Contributors of Crist while in Senate (FL Bankers Assn.)
HCPA- Property Appraisal/ when purchased/ taxes/ general warranty deed